Are you ready for your close-up?
We’re all starring in the movie of our life. Day by day, selfie after selfie, post after post. Papering over the cracks of whatever darkness lies beneath. It’s exhausting. You deserve a break.
So settle back in your seat. Bask in the glow of the big screen. Don’t worry about what’s happening down below it on stage. See the heroine smile out at you, all dewy-eyed, as the camera zooms in. And in. And in. Get set for a Lynchian ride through the anxieties of an unsettlingly ordinary woman’s existence..
Super Duper Close Up tells the story of a 21st century woman’s journey through a labyrinth of click-bait and pop cliché and via an infinite stream of frozen pouts and desperate smiles.
An explosion of live film-making, hypnotic movement and looping memoir fiction, it asks: what’s a girl to do? How is everything so perfect yet coming apart at the seams? And whose damned fault is it? Drenched in the fake light of a thousand insta-filters, Super Duper Close Up flutters its eyelids at you and howls its furious questions at the moon. And of course, at you.
“This is a show with an exterior that glistens and twinkles like a Faberge egg, but its insides are filled with a swirling molten pool of sadness and rage.”
“They have pioneered a new way to articulate the hidden sources of our insecurities, and have transformed them into something that is witty, visually striking and politically engaged.”
“an angry, delicate, glitzy and agonising attack on the gendered misrepresentation that exists within society.”
“a controlled and painstakingly crafted intensity that never fails to hold your attention.”
Commissioned by Cambridge Junction, The Yard, and Theatre in the Mill. Supported by Arts Council England. With thanks to Theatre Deli.
Conceived, written and performed by Jess Latowicki
Dramaturg: Tim Cowbury
Camera Operator & Performer: Valentina Formenti
Music & Sound Design: Tom Parkinson
Design: Emma Bailey
Design Assistant: Lauren Dix
Video Design: Mikaela Liakata
Lighting Design: Alex Fernandes
Choreographer: Irene Cioni
Production Manager: Simon Perkins
Producer: Beckie Darlington
Photography: John Hunter